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Respiratory Leaders in Physiotherapy Winter Meeting

In November, I was fortunate enough to attend the Respiratory Leaders in Physiotherapy Winter Meeting at MMU’s impressive new campus in Manchester.

The day was centred entirely around research and included informative & inspiring talks from the likes of Katherine Jones (CSP Professional Advisor),Professor James Selfe, Suzanne Gough and Jenny Caunt (All MMU), David McWilliams (Consultant Critical Care Physiotherapist, UHB, Dr Ceri Battle (Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist), Eleanor Douglas (Lecturer/Practitioner NUH), and Rachael Moses herself.

Topics covered included:

  • Importance of research in Physiotherapy
  • An examination of good research application within Physiotherapy and the value of clinical research
  • Securing research funding
  • Generating research questions
  • Research career pathways
  • Combining research and clinical practice
  • Why do a PhD

A selection of the presentations from the day have kindly been provided by Rachael Moses for ACPRC members. Members will need to login to access resources via the link here.

A number of fantastic resources were highlighted throughout the day. These may be accessed using the links below.
NIHR Research Design Service
Good Clinical Practice
HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programs
NIHR Career Development Opportunities
HEE Clinical Scholar Awards
DoH Developing the role of Clinical Academic Researcher
Vitae Researcher Development Framework

The next opportunities to apply to HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme for non-medical healthcare professions are open now. To access please follow the link here.

There were lots of positive messages repeated throughout the day championing the role and value of Physiotherapy in clinical research, promoting new perspectives on clinical/academic pathways, and breaking down some the dogma around barriers to starting research activity whilst in clinical practice.

A particularly positive emphasis was put across from Professor Selfe, Suzanne and Jenny at MMU regarding the untapped value and potential of clinicians collaborating with universities/academics to kickstart research activity and evolve ideas into research.

My personal favourite take home messages came from David McWilliams:

  1. Research doesn't always have to be perfect – don’t feel like you have to start with an all singing and dancing RCT design.
  2. Start collecting data you would in daily practice and share,share, share.
  3. Find the right team and involve junior staff who have the drive and interest
  4. Own your research ideas and be creative with funding streams (particularly at foundations levels of reserve)
  5. Don't be afraid to fail, it's a journey
  6. Be resilient


Gareth Cornell. ACPRC Critical Care Champion. Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

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ACPRC Journal online

The Journal of the ACPRC is a UK based peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish original research and facilitate continuing professional development for physiotherapists with an interest in respiratory care.

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