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Patient Information

This page contains links to useful sources of information on respiratory disease and is designed to help you find out more about respiratory conditions and possible sources of help.

What we do?

Physiotherapists work in a wide variety of health settings such as intensive care, mental illness, stroke recovery, occupational health, and care of the elderly.

Physiotherapy is certainly far more than fixing musculoskeletal sports injuries although that is perhaps the most common perception of the profession. For more information regarding Physiotherapy in the UK, please visit the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy website at

Respiratory Physiotherapists treat patients of all ages and with a wide variety of respiratory problems including;

  • Patients with long-term respiratory conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma and Cystic Fibrosis both in hospital and in the community.
  • Patients on intensive care who are at risk of developing respiratory problems whilst on a ventilator.
  • Patients who require rehabilitation before or following surgery.

Should you wish to see a Physiotherapist for private treatment, please make sure they are chartered and registered.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy website contains a number of resources to help you find a Physiotherapist, click here to search for a practitioner in your area.

Asbestos Diseases UK
Asbestos Diseases UK is a self-help group and registered charity which aims to help those affected by asbestos diseases.

Asthma UK
Asthma UK works together with people with asthma, health professionals and researchers to develop and share expertise to help people increase their understanding of asthma and reduce the effect of it on their lives.

Breathe On UK
Breathe On UK is a charity that aims to help parents and families whenever a child of any age becomes unable to breathe adequately and requires help, in addition to all the other problems of illness or effects from injury there may be.

British Lung Foundation
The BLF support people affected by lung disease through the individual challenges they will face. Support is available through a nationwide network of Breathe Easy support groups and Baby Breathe Easy parent support groups.

Cystic Fibrosis Trust
The Cystic Fibrosis trust aims to ensure that people with Cystic Fibrosis receive the best possible care and support in all aspects of their lives.

Living well with COPD
A site designed to help people living with Chronic Obstuctive Pulmonary Disease and the breathing difficulties that this condition causes.

Mesothelioma UK
Mesothelioma UK provides impartial up-to-date information for patients diagnosed with Mesothelioma and their carers.

NHS Direct
NHS Direct aims to provide information and advice about health, illness and health services, to enable patients to make decisions about their healthcare and that of their families.

Patient UK Condition Leaflets
Information leaflets on a variety of respiratory conditions.

Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is a charity actively involved in fundraising and supporting patients of lung cancer.

TB Alert
TB Alert complement the work of the NHS through providing information on TB for the public and for patients, raising awareness of TB amongst non-TB specialist staff, and providing resources and education.

International Confederation of Cardio-Respiratory Physiotherapists
The International Confederation of Cardio-respiratory Physical Therapists (ICCrPT) was officially recognised as a sub-group of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) at the annual meeting in 2011. The ICCrPT represents the interests of Physical Therapists practicing in the area of cardio-respiratory health whose national Physical Therapy organisation is a member of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy. is a medical resources, supplying evidence based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals.

This website covers a large spectrum of diseases, including aspergillosis, aspergilloma, ABPA and allergic diseases caused by aspergillus.

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ACPRC Journal online

The Journal of the ACPRC is a UK based peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish original research and facilitate continuing professional development for physiotherapists with an interest in respiratory care.

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