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Journal Internship

We are delighted to announce the first ACPRC journal internship. This internship aims to provide an ACPRC member with the opportunity to gain exposure to, and experience of, supporting the editing and production process of an edition of the ACPRC Journal. This edition will specifically publish abstracts from the ACPRC Conference 2025. You will be working alongside our current journal co-editors: Miss Elizabeth King and Dr Owen Gustafson throughout this four-month internship.

Internship roles:

This is a voluntary role with no financial remuneration. The role will require an average of one hour per week outside of working hours (we will meet online on a weekday evening rather than weekend).

Examples of internship activities include, but are not limited to:

- Support with abstract formatting

- Support with uploading abstracts onto the journals management platform (Scholastica)

- Gain awareness of the process of liaising with the Scholastica typesetter

- Gain awareness of the communication with abstract authors

- Support in the process of compiling a journal issue

- Gain awareness of how the journal issue interlinks with the ACPRC website host platform

- Support in liaising with committee members to disseminate the publication of the journal

Selection criteria

You must be a member of the ACPRC to apply. This opportunity would most benefit members who are new or have limited experience of publishing articles in peer reviewed journals, and limited access to publishing support in their current place of work.

Please send an expression of interest outlining how this opportunity would benefit you and how you can support the journal in no more than 500 words to

Applications will be assessed on the following criteria:

1. No more than two publications in a peer reviewed journal

2. Limited current access to writing and publishing support

3. Clear outline on how the internship will develop the individual and/or their team

4. How the internship will provide opportunities that have not previously been available to them

Members do not need to be on a fellowship or have an MSc/PhD to apply for this opportunity.

Proposed timescales

Application deadline: 15th April 2025

Application outcome: Will be announced at the ACPRC Conference: 25th – 26th April 2025

Proposed internship dates: May to end of August 2025

We want all our members to feel welcomed and would like to increase representation and visibility of our historically marginalised and underrepresented colleagues. We particularly welcome submissions from, and inclusion of, people with protected characteristics, people with different needs, identities and experiences and from the CSP’s diversity networks. We also welcome submissions from peopleat all stages of their careers.


We encourage all members with any interest in this internship to email Liz or Owen on or for an informal discussion.

Publication Date: 15 March 2025

Author: Sam Dean

Alt Title

ACPRC Journal online

The Journal of the ACPRC is a UK based peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish original research and facilitate continuing professional development for physiotherapists with an interest in respiratory care.

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