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Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 56. Issue 1. 2024

Simulation-based education within respiratory physiotherapy training: a scoping review

Stephanie K. Mansell Kate Grafton Emily Barnfield Georgina Eckersley Amy Bendall Gabriella Cork Agnieszka Lewko Amanda Thomas Una Jones

Volume 56. Issue 1 - p37-51

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What is the Minimal Clinically Important Difference in the OneMinute Sit-to-Stand Test During Remote Interventions?

Hio Man Che Lynn McDonnell Lisa Pritchard Sarah Rand Harriet Shannon

Volume 56. Issue 1 - p29-36

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ACPRC Editorial Board Surgery Scoping Review Synthesis

Allaina Eden Una Jones Kate Grafton

Volume 56. Issue 1 - p53-54

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The challenge of defining ‘safe staffing’ for physiotherapists in critical care

Rebekah Haylett Clair Martin Zoe van Willigen

Volume 56. Issue 1 - p55-57

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Greenshoots to Chief Investigator: Physiotherapy led research in critical care

Elizabeth King Annika Buss Bethan Reade Francesca Compton Jack Graham Alexander Albertyn Carla Wade Amy Arnold Philippe Nicol Owen Gustafson

Volume 56. Issue 1 - p58-60

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ACPRC Journal online

The Journal of the ACPRC is a UK based peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish original research and facilitate continuing professional development for physiotherapists with an interest in respiratory care.

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