Other Considerations for Authors
Patient consent
Studies that involve patients or volunteers should include details in the manuscript on how informed consent was obtained. The relevant details of ethical review and governance processes should also be documented. Publication of any personal information about a patient, for example in a case report or clinical photograph, will normally require the signed consent of the patient. If this is the case, please include a statement on your title page of your submission that any identifiable information for a patient(s) have provided their signed consent to publication and submit this as a supplemental file.
Declaration of interest
A statement at the end of the manuscript must disclose if any of the authors have any financial and personal relationships with other people or organisations that could inappropriately influence their work.
A statement at the end of the manuscript must disclose if any of the authors had any funding to complete the work.
A statement at the end of the manuscript should state the names of those who contributed to the work, but did not meet the criteria for authorship. The nature of the contribution should also be stated.
Inclusive language
The ACPRC is committed to promoting and maintaining an inclusive culture. All language used in manuscripts should support equality, diversity and inclusion.