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- 28/11/2024 - Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 56. Issue 3. 2024.
- 28/11/2024 - Physiotherapy for the Potential Organ Donor - are we maximising our role?
- 28/11/2024 - Expectations and reality: A survey of UK physiotherapy practice in the management of non-tuberculosis mycobacterial pulmonary disease
- 28/11/2024 - Shoulder Rehabilitation for Patients Undergoing Neck Dissection for Head and Neck Cancer - The Case for Specialist Follow-up
- 28/11/2024 - Prehabilitation service provision and preoperative clinical pathways for major oesophagogastric cancer surgery patients: A service evaluation
- 28/11/2024 - Physiotherapy service provision after cardiac surgery for children with congenital heart disease in the United Kingdom and Ireland: a service evaluation
- 28/11/2024 - Person Centred Care in the ICU
- 28/11/2024 - Inspiratory muscle training in adult intensive care units: A survey of UK physiotherapy practice
- 28/11/2024 - Simulation Based Education in pre-registration and postgraduate respiratory physiotherapy: An ACPRC position statement
- 28/11/2024 - Simulation Based Education in pre-registration and postgraduate cardiorespiratory physiotherapy: An ACPRC commentary
- 24/05/2024 - Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 56. Issue 2. 2024.
- 29/05/2024 - An Evaluation of the Demographics, Characteristics and Healthcare Utilisation of People with Asthma Referred to an Ambulatory Respiratory Hub.
- 29/05/2024 - Practitioner experiences of pulmonary rehabilitation service delivery during COVID-19 and impact on future service delivery
- 29/05/2024 - Adverse effects of Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation in Mechanically Ventilated Patients in the Adult Intensive Care Unit - A Literature Review
- 28/05/2024 - An observational study to evaluate the within-day reliability and concurrent validity of 2-minute walk test (2MWT) and 10-metere walk test (10MWT) in healthy individuals while wearing a mask.
- 28/05/2024 - Active video games as an adjunct to pulmonary rehabilitation of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: a commentary on a systematic review
- 17/01/2024 - Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 56. Issue 1. 2024
- 23/01/2024 - Simulation-based education within respiratory physiotherapy training: a scoping review
- 23/01/2024 - What is the Minimal Clinically Important Difference in the OneMinute Sit-to-Stand Test During Remote Interventions?
- 23/01/2024 - Exploring physiotherapists’ experiences in delivering care remotely to adults with Cystic Fibrosis during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom
- 23/01/2024 - Ventilator hyperinflation in paediatric critical care: a survey of current physiotherapy practice in the United Kingdom and Ireland
- 21/01/2024 - ACPRC Editorial Board Surgery Scoping Review Synthesis
- 21/01/2024 - The challenge of defining ‘safe staffing’ for physiotherapists in critical care
- 21/01/2024 - Greenshoots to Chief Investigator: Physiotherapy led research in critical care
- 21/01/2024 - A feasibility study investigating the use of a thigh-worn accelerometer to measure physical activity in patients recovering from critical illness
- 05/07/2023 - 2023 Journal Supplement (Vol. 55S)
- 04/07/2023 - Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 55. Issue 1. 2023.
- 04/07/2023 - The ACPRC editorial board: driving high-quality of care for people with respiratory problems
- 04/07/2023 - ACPRC scoping review of post-operative physiotherapy in people undergoing cardiac surgery
- 04/07/2023 - Position statement and considerations for remotely delivered pulmonary rehabilitation services
- 04/07/2023 - Upper-limb specialist input into intensive care to prevent proning associated complications during the COVID-19 pandemic: Leicester’s experience
- 04/07/2023 - Trying to remain active whilst living under threat: Exploring the barriers and facilitators to physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic, in people living with chronic respiratory disease
- 04/07/2023 - Perceptions and experiences of adults with neuromuscular disorders and their carers in relation to airway clearance and respiratory physiotherapy in the community
- 04/07/2023 - Benchmarking enhanced recovery after surgery oesophagectomy mobilisation targets: A service evaluation
- 04/01/2023 - Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 54 (3) 2022
- 20/01/2023 - Attendance and completion of cardiac rehabilitation following heart transplantation: a survey service evaluation from the referring transplant centre
- 19/01/2023 - Home monitoring and self-management for adult patients with cystic fibrosis during the novel coronavirus pandemic: a service evaluation in a specialist cystic fibrosis unit
- 19/01/2023 - Is an online exercise platform, such as Pactster/Beam an acceptable tool to promote exercise participation in adults with cystic fibrosis, with or without online physiotherapy support?
- 18/01/2023 - Trach and trace: observational outcomes of patients with COVID-19 who received a tracheostomy during the first pandemic surge in North Central London
- 11/01/2023 - Chest infection incidence in wind musicians: a survey
- 11/01/2023 - The role and staffing of physiotherapy in critical care: a scoping review
- 11/01/2023 - Airway clearance techniques for the intubated adult: a scoping review
- 11/01/2023 - Life after critical illness: a systematic review and thematic synthesis protocol
- 11/01/2023 - Rapid adoption of the ICS/FICM guidance for prone positioning in adult critical care within mechanically ventilated patients: a single centre, retrospective evaluation
- 11/01/2023 - Intensive care rehabilitation outcomes in COVID-19 compared to other respiratory viruses: an observational evaluation
- 07/06/2022 - Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 54. Issue 2. 2022.
- 07/06/2022 - Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care scoping review: Post-operative physiotherapy management in upper gastrointestinal (GI) surgery
- 07/06/2022 - A systematic review to determine the presence and effectiveness of shared decision making interventions for airway clearance techniques in adults with bronchiectasis
- 07/06/2022 - A service evaluation of the accuracy of electronic prescriptions used to calculate nebulised medication adherence in adult with cystic fibrosis
- 07/06/2022 - Rehabilitation after critical illness (RaCI) enhanced physiotherapy input following critical care discharge: A quality improvement project
- 07/06/2022 - Characteristics and therapy needs of COVID-19 survivors during an enhanced therapy service provision between critical care and discharge: A service evaluation
- 07/06/2022 - An evaluation of the experiences of an ECMO clinical support team implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 31/05/2022 - Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 54. Issue 1. 2022.
- 01/06/2022 - The future is bright and exciting, and it must involve research
- 01/06/2022 - Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care scoping review: Post-operative physiotherapy in people undergoing thoracic surgery
- 01/06/2022 - Does the incremental shuttle walk test predict the development of a hospital acquired pneumonia in patients undergoing elective oesophagectomy: A service evaluation
- 01/06/2022 - Is there a link between the activity levels of parents and their children with cystic fibrosis? A scoping review
- 01/06/2022 - Influence of age and gender on cardiovascular response to isometric exercise in apparently healthy individuals
- 01/06/2022 - A physiotherapy-led early mobilisation protocol for neurosurgical patients with external ventricular drains in intensive care: A service evaluation
- 01/06/2022 - Mechanical insufflation-exsufflation for the prevention and treatment of respiratory complications in acute cervical spinal cord injury: A retrospective service evaluation
- 31/05/2022 - Physiotherapy input and outcomes in patients hospitalised with COVID-19: A retrospective chart review
- 03/10/2021 - Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 53. Issue 2. 2021
- 31/05/2022 - Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care Commentary: Physiotherapy following blunt chest trauma
- 31/05/2022 - Statement and considerations for the remote delivery of pulmonary rehabilitation services during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 31/05/2022 - Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care position statement: Physiotherapists use of lung ultrasound
- 31/05/2022 - Patient experiences of face-to-face and remote clinics in a cystic fibrosis service – what can we learn?
- 31/05/2022 - Helping you help yourself (HYHY) for people with mild breathlessness: A service evaluation in Wales
- 31/05/2022 - Breathing retraining to improve dyspnoea and walking distance in patients with interstitial lung diseases: A randomised controlled trial
- 30/05/2022 - Referral of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to pulmonary rehabilitation from primary care: A local survey of GPs and practice nurses
- 30/05/2022 - A service evaluation exploring time on physiotherapy caseload following lung lobectomy surgery
- 30/05/2022 - An exploration of patient perspectives and experiences of a 6-week outpatient rehabilitation programme following critical illness: A qualitative study
- 30/05/2022 - Evaluation of a new animal assisted intervention service for an adult intensive care unit
- 30/05/2022 - Physiotherapy-led awake proning for a frail elderly patients with COVID-19: A case study
- 01/11/2021 - Evaluation of the outcomes of adjunctive awake-proning as a novel approach to the management of COVID-19 pneumonitis in a level 1 hospital ward setting
- 23/05/2022 - Service evaluation of an outpatient exercise class after critical illness
- 03/08/2021 - Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 53 S 2021
- 18/02/2021 - Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 53. Issue 1. 2021.
- 18/02/2021 - ACPRC statement and considerations for the teaching of airway clearance techniques in higher education institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 18/02/2021 - The use of high-flow oxygen therapy delivered via Airvo™ in the acute setting over a six-month period: A clinical perspective
- 18/02/2021 - How culture may influence adherence to ventilatory support systems. A case report of a Sikh with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- 18/02/2021 - A service evaluation on the use of digital chest drains following thoracic surgery on postoperative mobilisation and time on physiotherapy caseload
- 18/02/2021 - Differences in maximal inspiratory pressure when using a standard yoga mat versus a standard yoga block in healthy individuals
- 18/02/2021 - An evaluation of physiotherapy-led inhalation testing in chronic respiratory disease at a tertiary centre
- 01/09/2020 - Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care. Volume 52. Issue 1. 2020.
- 01/09/2020 - Dance-based versus conventional exercise in pulmonary rehabilitation: A retrospective service evaluation
- 01/09/2020 - Enhancing early post-operative physiotherapy input to patients undergoing an oesophagectomy: A quality improvement project
- 01/09/2020 - How early is early? When should rehabilitation begin in critical illness?
- 01/09/2020 - An exploration of final year physiotherapy students’ experiences of early mobilisation and rehabilitation for critically ill patients during practice education
- 01/09/2020 - Thoracic ultrasound to differentially diagnose the cause of an opaque hemithorax (whiteout) when patients are referred for respiratory physiotherapy: A service evaluation
- 10/07/2020 - 2019 Journal Supplement (Vol. 51S)
- 21/07/2019 - 2019 Journal (Vol. 51)
- 13/07/2018 - 2018 Journal (Vol. 50)
- 12/10/2017 - 2017 Journal Supplement (Vol.49S)
- 12/10/2017 - 2017 Journal (Vol. 49)
- 12/10/2016 - 2016 Journal (Vol. 48)
- 12/10/2015 - 2015 Journal (Vol. 47)
- 12/10/2014 - 2014 Journal (Vol. 46)
- 12/10/2013 - 2013 Journal (Vol. 45)
- 12/10/2012 - 2012 Journal (Vol. 44)
- 12/10/2011 - 2011 Journal (Vol. 43)
- 12/10/2010 - 2010 Journal (Vol. 42)
- 12/10/2009 - 2009 Journal (Vol. 41)
- 12/10/2008 - 2008 Journal (Vol. 40)
- 12/10/2007 - 2007 Journal (Vol. 39)
- 12/10/2006 - 2006 Journal (Vol. 38)
- 12/10/2005 - 2005 Journal (Vol. 37)
- 12/10/2004 - 2004 Journal (Vol. 36)
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