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Guidance for Submitting Abstracts


  • The Abstract Submission Form (below) should be completed and submitted by clicking 'Submit' at the end of the form.  You are invited to submit multiple abstracts on different topics should you wish to.  Abstracts will not be considered unless submitted using the correct paperwork.
  • Abstracts must be relevant to the field of respiratory physiotherapy – they may be research-focused, education or clinically-focused (including service evaluation), and should be evidence-based (work being presented should not be in the early stages of development). We also provide members with support through the research champion to discuss any potential abstract ideas with you.  Please email
  • Student Physiotherapists’ abstract submissions show casing their work are encouraged.
  • Abstracts will be selected by peer review for inclusion in the conference as a digital poster (to save the planet and costs).  We will also select the top 3 abstracts, which will be presented at conference via a 10-minute oral presentation.
  • The author submitting the abstract must ensure that they, or one of the named authors, will be available to attend the conference if the abstract is selected for either oral or poster presentation.

 All expenses associated with submission and presentation of the abstract including confernce registration fees, are the responsibility of the presenter.  

Submission deadline is 23:59 Friday 31st January 2025!

Have you submitted an abstract to this conference before as a 1st author *
Have you submitted an abstract to this conference before
Please tick your preferred form of presentation *
Please tick the theme that your submission relates to *

Submission Details

All abstracts selected for presentation will be published in a Winter 2025 Supplement of the ACPRC Journal - submission of an abstract constitutes permission to publish an abstract. Any updates to data can be presented at the conference, however, written abstract submissions will remain unchanged for later publication purposes.

The abstract (background, aims/objectives, methodology/main body and conclusions/implications for practice) should be a maximum of 400 words in total - the headings below are for guidance only.  Please do not include appendices or tables.

Research Pillar Submission
Non Research pillar Submission






Alt Title

ACPRC Journal online

The Journal of the ACPRC is a UK based peer-reviewed journal that aims to publish original research and facilitate continuing professional development for physiotherapists with an interest in respiratory care.

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